If we all used the life God gave us to love, this earth could be heaven. We don’t, so this earth is hell. We don’t want to admit it because we are supposed to have the joy of the Lord. But the joy of the Lord is a hope of a future and not blindness to the pain of a hurting world today. Giving me an abundance of life while the world suffers the pain of disbelief and rains terror on the innocent is not a solution. You may say none are innocent, for we have all sinned; but we are all under grace, and innocence suffers at the hand of disbelief seeking its own among the ruins of mankind. God has come and given Himself to make peace with mankind and peace between mankind, but we will not take His peace. He has given us hope so no man can boast in His own works. But the church boasts of works while denying the truth of grace. When you come to Christ for grace there is no boasting among men and no condemnation of the lost or pride of being found. We have grace for grace, but do we give grace for grace? Do we love as Jesus loves and forgive the unbeliever of their unbelief so they might see and believe.